Monday, August 27, 2007

Pie charts for missing volumes

Symptom: good public transport, bad public transport. Dancing is not a cure at the moment (acute symptom). Pour la première fois, les accents te manquent.

Cure: elegant decisions, more equity and extreme close-ups of bugs. Summercamp! (2006, 85 minutes, Sarah Price and Bradley Beesley---NOW SHOWING! MON-WED, 6:00 P.M. AT THE SISKEL CENTER).

(For those acute symptoms, apply a cold compress of "Vive la langue du diable" to forehead each morning for an hour).


Anonymous said...


Doctorwild said...

moi aussi.

Anonymous said...

if this thick fog doesn't lift, ever, and two people like you and I will be unable to develop a lasting friendship, I'll consider this the greatest failure in my life for many years. They'll be writing country songs about this in the not so distant future, you know... and if they don't, I'll pick up the damn guitarr myself.

Anonymous said...

what is this snowfield between us, upon which Aeolus unlooses his fury? I can only just make you out behind the blizzard which covers each hesitant step we take toward each other as soon as the track is laid, so that we circle one another like wary predators. I fear that, even were we to achieve that union wherein distance avails not, a greater distance would reign within the ice moon of your heart. the blind singer raises his paean to the deeds of men; what singer, sighted now, will stand upon an indifferent clearing, in clean worldlight, & remain mute in honor of the ontological blankness we have allowed to overtake us?

Anonymous said...

so we talk about the weather.