Thursday, November 29, 2007

November 29, Hyde Park, Chicago: Morning, Noon, and Night

Symptom: you realize that you can't help the way you think, or look, or notice.
Cure: it is what it is. Holiday party. No costumes necessary.
Bonus outsider input: "You are a genius to the extent that you are able to challenge the sociohistorical conditions of your identity." Kristeva

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Que pense-t-elle?

Symptom: official proposals will be written, dossiers will be composed, and all tasks will be accomplished, wrapped neatly.
Cure: bumper sticker: prioritize and relax. Two birds, two birds, and a bowl.

Hands across America

Symptom: tonight you are tired and speechless. Snap.
Cure: clapping vigorously will at times help the driver avoid a collision.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Family puzzles and the Astral breast

Clearly: moon-bows are spectacular and above all rare.
Absolutely: the same goes for cousins.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Say no more

Symptom: thanksgiving decorations must be passé: you have not seen one cardboard turkey, there is a paucity of gourds, the color combination of orange, brown, and yellow is no where to be seen. Additionally, at a recent dinner party, you realized that the generation behind you no longer knows what a "dunce cap" is, much less what it looks like.

Cure: Chicago--St. Paul, MN--Crystal, ND--St. Paul, MN--Chicago: be thankful. Be a pilgrim. Avoid dunces. Embrace doors.


Monday, November 19, 2007

Then she

away up around behind within right back track
into she (click) into, so he

Sunday, November 18, 2007

I repeat myself

Symptom: these are dinners.
Cure: span, wine, print.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Today part II: Because similar gestures don't similarly mean.

Lost: i hope you are well. Quels moments chaleureux.
True: the sun to you, in Texas, in everywhere.

Do you see what I see?

Some of you: yes.
Some of you: nope.

Thursday, November 15, 2007


Bonus Symptom: Speechless.
Jackpot Cure: Loquacious.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Sightly: rhythm is here (oblique portraits con't)

Finger: damn, girl, you pretty. I love my family.
Thumb: i'm opposed to: negativity, depression, self-sacrifice, distance. xo.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Cautionary tales

Upside down symptom: go around; memory persists.
Upside Up cure: say the word excitement; straight ahead, and around. Sleep more, drink less.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Decisions have been made

1. sunday is no longer what it used to be.
2. mixité; pining is passé; revisionism; lamb chop.

Chapter V: Semantics

She: i i i.
Interlocutor: ii.

Saturday, November 10, 2007


Symptomathon question: if there exists a DVD bible, does spending 14 semi-productive hours in front of your computer transform your sinful traces into a collection of sparkly accoutrements? Do I come off like my grandmother's best friend?

Curathon: No.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

There are ghosts everywhere sometimes

Jackpot's Symptom: amsterdamed in Houston; with dogs. Heaven can't wait.
Cured Bonus: don't mention it. I didn't see a thing. Pure fancy.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Whatever is called for

Symptom: not everyone goes by the rules.
Cure: change hotels, change shoes, change outlook, ghost tea.

Monday, November 5, 2007

She's a burger, she's a bee, she's a bounty

Symptom: when you were 10, your mother forbade you from dressing up as the half-man/half-woman---the line right down the face, make-up and mustache. You then had to simply opt for the 100% Lone Ranger. White jeans, a mask, and a mustache.
Cure: carefully study re-framing practices. Recall that things are still telling. Continue removing your mustache.