Saturday, May 31, 2008

Double Feature

Christmas: an old-time movie premiere with girls dressed to the nines. c. 1950.
Saturday: sometimes someone gives you a free ticket. Take it and say thank you (but remember, they do not want you to sit with them).

Thursday, May 29, 2008

The keen, dead

So: it's a salad bar.
So: line up. Un buffet n'a jamais tué personne.
So: rue, rue, rue de l'éternuement.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Providing Emotions Since 1539*

Heard of Goats: your father said that this was so.
Kitty daddy: shoe in, but I'm waiting for my Poodle.

*Vive Québec

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Benedict: you are currently surveying the city's interpretation of a classic.
Politics: fork it over.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

100% human

Left eye: suddenly, I'm seeing all blue-grey blurry; everyone's like Bette Davis. Do eye have retinal detachment?
Right eye: it's the tobacco, honey. You'll be fine.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Oh really?

Half wit: so, are you into film?
Maternal vibe: yes, I do think so [the woman in question takes two pills quite literally, without regret, with a large glass of white wine] (You should not do same, but do send a nice note).

Thursday, May 22, 2008

One origami, two origami

In this context: you should rest.
By focusing solely on: you should continue resting.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Top Notch: a.

b. Free Hair, Air Food
c. Air Hair, Free Food

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Magniflora Glorifico

Oslo: said
Paris: replied

Monday, May 12, 2008

The secret smile

Knock: yes?
knock: you late (Avez-vous peur du cinéma?)*


Friday, May 9, 2008

More outside advice

Dr. Wild: so what do you do when you come to a rough spot?
Dr. Nauman: It is necessary to have a dancer or person of some professional anonymous presence.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Outside advice

Dr. Wild: what about Thursday?
Dr. Smith: everything to do with water would be in one place, and it would be in the form of a waterfall; and it would be enclosed, and plants would be happy there; washing the dishes would become a Polynesian thing...

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


A: man approached you with a wide smile. His name was Jesus Garcia, President, Wood Interiors LLC--"Custom Made Furniture." He was building a small house where ice cream will be sold.

Fax: (312) 942-9774

Monday, May 5, 2008

p.t.k.s. +j

The jaguar is the biggest cat in the Amazon jungle. It loves meat and will eat almost any living thing. Jaguars like to prowl the riverbanks and hook out fish with their paws. They also tackle sleeping alligators. No animal is brave enough to take on a jaguar.

--Amazon Rainforest by Arby's

Sunday, May 4, 2008

let us add, to explain our title...

that the pedestrian runs a lesser risk than the cyclist or the chauffeur. He exposes himself to simply falling from a standing position, and not to being thrown from a high-velocity machine, nor to the breakage of this valuable piece of equipment; so, until the day when this folly shall have ceased, namely that of allowing people to circulate freely on foot, without their having availed themselves of permits, number plates, brakes, bells, horns and lanterns, we shall continue to face that public menace: the killer pedestrian.

--Alfred Jarry

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Friday, May 2, 2008

the world says
