Monday, November 5, 2007

She's a burger, she's a bee, she's a bounty

Symptom: when you were 10, your mother forbade you from dressing up as the half-man/half-woman---the line right down the face, make-up and mustache. You then had to simply opt for the 100% Lone Ranger. White jeans, a mask, and a mustache.
Cure: carefully study re-framing practices. Recall that things are still telling. Continue removing your mustache.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the picture is that which is chosen, while the photograph is heterogeneous. the photograph is fated, because by fate is understood that which comes from without, whereas the Mask is predestined, Destiny being that which comes to us from within. we best express the heterogeneousness of the photograph if we call it a photograph of a crowded street, which the Creative Mind - when not under the influence of the Mask - contemplates coldly.