Friday, August 10, 2007

Herbal remedy

Symptom: a lack of lamps and social beings from your network cause itching.

Cure: tomorrow: Chicago-Albuquerque-Santa Fe; wednesday: Santa Fe-Albuquerque-Chicago.


FLG said...

Symptom: it's 2am and ideas rush through your mind (as if it were time) about love, a strange object called a thesis, friends with whom you have lost touch, the layout of your furniture, and your laundry backlog. You know that, at best, you'll find sleep around 4 or 5, and will wake up accordingly past noon.

Cure: Dress in your plainest clothes, put on your comfiest shoes, and just walk out the door as if you were mad at the guy who could not fall asleep 10mns ago. Walk towards the nearest river, look at the running water and the lights around some cathedral for a bit, smell the smell of warm bread already leaking from the basement windows of bakeries. And just rent a bike to get back home in the nice breeze around 5:30…

Doctor Wild, is self-prescription really the answer?

Gregory said...

Love your practice.

Doctorwild said...

Dear no relation:
At your service.

Doctorwild said...

Dearest fanch,

Symptom: not knowing if self-prescription is really the answer. Et pourtant, on le fait en mangeant, en dormant, en travaillant et en jouant.

Cure: re-arrange your furniture. See the possibilities in new spatial configurations. Yet, find the center from which all sleep comes, from where all work is done, and from where you may see that insomnia is also a self-prescription of sorts. Continue doing as you are doing because it is a brilliant cure for that which needs none.

Baci, baci, baci,

Doctorwild said...

P.S. to fanch:

Email to your laposte account keeps being returned! ¿Que passa?