Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Where you walk.

Symptom: your new apartment is named 910 Foxy; you love where you work, walk, and who you talk to.
Cure: tell the past thank you, tell your Mom thank you, and look for the pigeon who is your dead grandmother: she has something to tell you.


Anonymous said...

i'm trying to figure out what it is about your pics that creates such an out-of-body effect for me. is it that you hide or diminish the horizon? is it the super-sat. colors? or that texture replaces background, foreground, middle?

are you doing it on purpose?

dunno, but i kinda like it.

Doctorwild said...

Dear Dr. Cimmons,

The symptoms you are experiencing are completely normal, and are in fact the signs that the cure is taking effect. Keep looking at the blog (an image a day...) and in no time you'll be loving your out-of-body everywhere.


ps. If you wish to speed up the effect, I suggest that you use El Gato ($1.00) coupled with the free elixir of your choice.