Sunday, September 30, 2007

For Rudolf Arnheim

He said: Every man's eyesight also anticipates in a modest way the admired capacity of the artist to produce patterns that validly interpret experience by means of organized form.

He continued: Motifs like rising and falling...[Perception] permits us to realize that the forces stirring in ourselves are only individual examples of the same forces acting throughout the universe.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Seismic Waves

tsunami: this town is damn violent.
cucumber: i'm cold.

Friday, September 28, 2007

For Marcel Marceau

1. tonight at the reading I swear I smelled tempera paint.
2. tonight at the reading I could see the word "Paris" written on the cover of a book in someone's open bag set next to me.
3. they say you were married three times.
4. colorful hands everywhere.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Tooth and nail

Symptom: uncomfortable pressure, fullness, squeezing or pain in the center cell.

Cure: productivity is is the balm. Put it back after it has cooled off.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Dialogue of Facts

paris: comment est-ce possible?
chicago: oui, c'est possible.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

1903: postcards

eyebrow: i 'll show you shit you've never seen (I'm from Colorado. Les Rocheuses).

egg: i need a billion $$$$$ glamorous, dramatic, classic. What's new?

p.s.: i see your eyebrows through your clenched fists. Who took the picture?

Saturday, September 22, 2007

The affirmation of imagination

ed: maggie and millie and molly and may
went down to the beach (to play one day)
bill: the jester walked in the garden:
The garden had fallen still;
He bade his soul rise upward
And stand on her window-sill.

This ain't my space

Facebook: you cheezy.
Aquarium: T'inquiètes. Je n'te parle pas.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Oblique portraits III: Oh that picnic eye

1. they come in all shapes and sizes.
2. the lid closes tightly to prevent any spillage of the gourmet contents.
3. not available in the U.S.A.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Oblique portraits II: it's all in the attitude

Gloria: where can I get some ham around here?
Gomez: the end.

Oblique portraits I: Ready or not

It was:
a) a plastic bag
b) a surgeon's glove
c) none of the above
d) a spider channeling
e) a ufo
f) one bee stuck in a bobcat

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

It must be hereditary.

Jackpot: honey bees?
Honey Bees: xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoox

Monday, September 17, 2007

Listen to the sound of the chicken teriyaki

Honey bees: havana. cicadas mucho.

[one hour passes]
Common Potato: J'ai toujours voulu être traité comme un prince.


Common Potato: I'm sure there's more.
Speaker: oh there's not a doubt. Yawn.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Vestige: II (San Who?)

Commentor: so, I see you are filming.

Speaker: well, yeah, that is what my distributors told me to do.

Vestige: I (St. Denis: Who woulda thunk?)

Symptom: je vous respecte, madame.

Cure: je vous respecte, monsieur.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

A shovel to be shipped

Tricky: conversations tend to meander vers ce dont tu ne possède. L'embouchure de la rivière se trouve à nouveau loin de la vallée. La topographie de l'appartement se ressemble à un Holiday Inn Business Suite et pourtant tu n'es pas de passage.

Humble: new sneakers/trainers/tennis; Cantal jeune en guise de Salers (29.50$/lb); il fait trop frais.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Portrait of a lady by Babyfood

Comment 1: The hysterical symptom is the memory-symbol of the operation of certain (traumatic) impressions and experiences.

Comment 2: She writes in white ink.

Then that's all you need

Symptom: being good at only one thing (maybe).

Cure: stop thinking too much and just be present even though you might have to argue with the universe a bit as to what constitutes a proper present.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

How old are you?

Jackpot: the blueberry stains have finally worn off but your hands still feel full. You are a gentleman.

Bonus: serendipity, elegant strokes, and subtilité. You have the ability to wear socks as gloves (première rencontre, 1996/7, devant le Co-op; toi, sur vélo; moi, avec une amie perdue, bavarde; moi, en fourrure, une jeune dame).

Symptom: bonne anniversaire--un peu tard-- Dr. F.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Back to Bazin: Life is Baroque

Dr. F: Oh really?

Dr. S: I totally agree.

Dr. W: I couldn't agree more. I have more to say but, est-ce qu'il reste du café?

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Unfortunate portrait: ain't no love

Symptom: the color wars. Running mates. Guns and ammo.

Cure: i think I'm getting sick.

Train of thought

Tricky: rascals, carrots. Your ears are burning.

Humble: bolts and wall mounts. One bulb screwed into a deer's hoof.

Sometimes a post is just a post

Symptom: text messages have been a primary means of communication (note to self: you have not been unjust). Mice, early morning insomnia and a case of "someone else is now living in my old flat" fever.

Cure: get on the bus.

Bonus: (its back to school days. I predict Denzel will finally get his Oscar.)